

segunda-feira, 11 de agosto de 2008

Entrevista de Emprego em Inglês (simulado): No Trabalho

Apresento hoje a 2ª parte da série “simulado de uma entrevista de emprego”. Hoje as perguntas estão relacionadas ao comportamento do candidato durante o trabalho, confira abaixo:

Talk about your experience in this area.
- Well, I know about security service, security technology, security guard training, industry risk management, electronic (electrônic) security etc.

Describe what you feel to be an ideal working environment.
- I think that it must have respect between co-workers and a lot of dedication for the work.

How come you want to work for us? Why do you want to work for us?
- I’d be happy to work in this company because it is an excellent company in the education area.
- And I like to work with teenagers. It’s very exciting to be able to work in a school.

Why our company should to hire you?
- Because I have a lot of experience in the industrial security area, and I know how to work with teenagers.
- I really like working with teenagers and children.
- I like teamwork.
- I like taking the initiative to solve problems.

Why should we hire you?
- I want to develop my career in this company. I like working in education because it is very interesting.


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